Thursday, April 30, 2015

Part 4: A visit to a Greek amphitheater in Macedonia

We went for a walk from our apartment to a Greek amphitheater. It was made in 200 BC. That's over 2200 years ago.  It's unknown how many people the theater could hold because it was so old part of it broke. When you say something it sounds like this for example "E" e e. It echos! The Romans used to have gladiator fights. They fought other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals. The killed each other for fun. That's weird. They don't do that anymore today. Now they have plays and concerts there.

sources: Theater of Ohrid and Gladiators

I played with some boys. I chased them and pretended I was the bad guy. When I got them I pretended to eat them.


  1. Ian liked these pictures! It's hard to imagine things that were built 2200 years ago would still be standing and usable!

  2. Such a huge site and such a smart guy to soak it all in!
