I went to the Bay of Bones. The Bay of Bones is a 3300 year old village on Lake Ohrid.
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The village is built on piles out in the water. Piles were a support for the platform and houses were built on the platform. The houses are made of mud and sticks. The roofs are made of thatch. Thatch is sticks and grass. The people slept on hay and blankets made of fur and animal skins.
The bear skin was comfortable and warm |
I am working on my realistic fiction story about a boy who lives at the Bay of Bones. His name is Alex Mark Patrick. He is resourceful, responsible, helpful, creative, and inventive. He likes snails and swimming too. He hates the winter because it is too cold and he doesn't have a fur blanket. He has a hat, some fox fur, blond hair, fur clothes, and bare feet. He's small. He is 3 feet tall. The problem is he doesn't have warm clothes. He needs to kill a bear, but his brothers won't let him because he's too little. He decides he is going to kill a fox so his brothers will let him hunt a bear. It is hard to kill a fox because foxes are very smart.
Here are some adjectives to describe the setting: Cold, bright, sunny, heard howling wolves, birds chirping, heard waves, smelled fire smoke, cooking meat and fish. Could hear animals, people, and waves. Fire crackling, and wind.
1. My character is resourceful because he proves that he can kill a fox and he invents a bow and arrow.
2. My character is responsible because he takes care of his weapons.
3. My character is helpful because he kills an animal for someone else. He shares and delivers meat.
4. My character is inventive because he invents a good bow and arrow.
Here are some animal furs |
I'm sitting in front of a bear head and next to an oven used for cooking. |
I love this! I think that it would be nice to live in that place during my younger years. There is so much character in those buildings. Thank you for sharing this, Jamie!