Sunday, May 1, 2016

Part 5. La Jolla Beach and the Seals

On Thursday we drove from San Diego to La Jolla, CA. (pronounced La Hoya because it's Spanish). There are a bunch of seals on the beach. One of them hated us. It stood on a rock like it was the king of the world and hissed at me. "You are not the king of this rock, seal." I said. "Geez"

Some seals looked like a rock and they like to sleep in big piles.

They smell real bad because of their you know what. There is also a cave and it was full of water.

Seals have cute whiskers.

I also went exploring in a tidal pool and cut my foot on a barnacle. It didn't hurt until I saw it. I saw a sea anemone. It looks like a flower but really it is an animal. When I touched it, it curled up an hid inside itself.

Sea anemone:

Here's a link that talks about tide pools and sea anemones.

Tide Pools

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